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Meeting Notes 10/26/16

For those of you who did not attend the meeting last week, please be sure to read over the notes below!


  • All next week October 31st- November 4th:

  • You will receive 30 minutes for each coat brought in (You will need 2 coats if they are really light)

  • You can receive a maximum of 1.5hrs

  • Christmasville

  • December 3rd and 4th

  • More info will be sent out on twitter and remind 101

  • Remember you will need to sign up for the events through the survey on the website

  • Bulletin Board

  • Next Wednesday during both lunches, we need 3-4 people to sign up to work on the bulletin board

  • You will receive 1 hr service :)

  • We voted on t-shirt designs! Here is the winner:

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