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Member Information

Dues: National Honors Society Dues are $25

  • Bring dues to Ms. Alexander in the main office, NOT Mr. Reinblatt or Ms. Orihuela!

  • Due by October 31

  • If payment is an issue, please see Mr. Reinblatt or Ms. Orihuela


Meetings: Meetings will take place the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month during 1st RTI



  • They will be held in Mr. Reinblatt’s room, A204

  • Members are to attend AT LEAST ONE meeting per month

  • Please see the NHS advisors if you have any concerns


Hours: Each member must complete 20 hours of service by the end of the year

  • You may apply for up to 4 outside hours by visiting the "Outside Hours Form"  

  • To find out your current number of service hours please email from YOUR email address, state your name, and request an update on your total number of hours. 


Stoles: Seniors who do not pay dues, attend meetings, or complete service hours will NOT wear a NHS stole at graduation

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